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It’s 2022. Do You Know Where Your Claims Managers Are?

A popular introduction to local news used to ask, “It’s 10 o’clock. Do you know where your children are?” Along the same lines, many companies in industries as diverse as insurance, transportation, construction, local governments, TPAs, self-insured groups, and restaurants are wondering where their claims managers and risk managers are. They might be in the […]

Who Knew?

We had a conversation the other day that made us think about the ways in which companies — even or maybe especially companies that use TPAs — go about reporting the incidents that spawn claims. We were talking with a prospect, and the conversation went something like this: Us: What does your reporting process look like? […]

Juggling Municipal Risks

We don’t envy municipal risk managers. Having to contend with claims for property damage, workers compensation, and other liabilities; accidents on school yards and sports fields; resident complaints; and more other things than most of us can imagine must leave most risk managers wishing they were jugglers … or octopuses (octopi, if you prefer the […]

Santa’s Workers Comp Claim

Santa Claus Contends with Workers Compensation Claim Elf claims physical injury and mental stress due to heavy workload. North Pole — (December 20, 2021) — Saint Nicholas, sometimes known as Kris Kringle but most popularly known as Santa Claus, has had a workers compensation claim filed by one of his elves. It appears the elf suffered from […]

The PAID Act Deadline is Here

Last June, we published a post called, Clean Up Your PAID Act. It laid out the reasons that entities required to comply with the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act (MMSEA) of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its Section 111 reporting requirements would soon be facing new mandates. Those mandates would be […]

Property Management Claims … and a Moose

We were flipping through an older issue of Insurance Journal the other day and came across an article with this headline: “The Complicated Risk Exposures of Property Managers and Investors”. We were okay at first, especially when we read this: Property managers and real estate investors face bedbug exposures, mold behind the dishwasher, tenant and […]

Connecting the Dots in Restaurant Claims

Have you ever played Connect the Dots? At first it might seem like a bunch of dots and numbers. But as the dots begin to connect, the image magically appears. Restaurant claims are similar. At first it might seem like a bunch of events and numbers. But eventually general liability, personal injury, liquor liability, product […]

TPA: Total Processing Adaptability

Especially for workers comp claims — and especially for companies that use TPAs (third-party administrators) — it’s crucial to have Total Processing Adaptability. What we mean is that your claims system should let you manage everything you want to manage and to have an optimally flexible relationship with your TPA(s). And it entails the ability […]

Claims Flexibility

Safety First We were doing some reading about claims in the transportation industry the other day because … well … because that’s what we do. During our reading, we happened to find a post on the website of HUB International. It was called, “Disruption Steers Fleet Operators Into 2021”. The post was full of sound […]

Claims to Fame

The challenges in claims management are fairly common. While this list might not be exhaustive, those challenges include: