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Subrogation: Cutting Through the Weeds: Part Two

In the first post in this series, we discussed potential claims that might be subrogated in various lines of business. This time around, we’ll take a more general view of subrogation and the importance of managing the intricacies of subrogated claims. Recently, PropertyCasualty360 published an article entitled, “Why subrogation is more than a final box to […]

Clean Up on Aisle Five

Supermarkets are often hard to insure. There are at least three reasons for that: First, the number of coverages they need can be daunting. Second, the number of employees (workers compensation) and customers (general liability) that have to be covered can be even more daunting. Third and most important, the sheer number of claims they […]

Subrogation: Cutting Through the Weeds

You can tell you’re really deep in the claims weeds when you start thinking about subrogation. Since we are deep in the claims weeds, we have to think about it. To put it simply, just in case you’re not deep in the claims weeds, subrogation refers to an insurance company’s seeking reimbursement for the costs of […]

Curiouser and Curiouser

`Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). We thought of that line from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland when we read a recent article in PropertyCasualty360. The article — “Mitigating risk & reducing employee claims for commercial clients” — said this, in […]

A Tale of Two Trucks

We have a number of clients in the transportation industry. Given the number of claims to which trucks and truck drivers are susceptible, we’re always eager to help our clients manage, track, and settle their claims as quickly and efficiently as possible. Two of our client companies — Long Haul Cowboys, Inc. and Big Rigs […]


No. The title of this post isn’t a typo. It occurred to us as we were thinking about crowdfunding, which Wikipedia defines like this: Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large number of people … typically via the Internet. Then we thought about the time, the […]

Don’t Let Your Carwash Take a Bath

As much as anything else, the car care business is a customer-satisfaction business. No satisfaction, no customers. As a result, car care business owners can incur liability claims for any number of reasons (premises liability, property damage, personal injury, the conduct of others acting on your behalf, and more) from any number of incidents. That’s why […]

We Have the Net

An article ran in the April edition of Best’s Review entitled, “Risk Managers Walk a Tightrope as COVID-19 Challenges Remain”. The summary under the title says this, “Risk managers say they’re seeing their roles evolve as the old work environment undergoes profound change.” And the article says this, in part: In the age of COVID-19, […]

A Tale of Two Cities

Since A Tale of Two Cities, the 1859 novel by Charles Dickens, is in the public domain, we borrowed the title for this post. Unlike the novel, which takes place in London and Paris, our story takes place in Baked, Alaska. We called Albert Murfwhiffle, the municipal risk manager for the city of Baked, after hearing […]

How High is High Tech?

In September of last year, McKinsey & Company published a report called, How top tech trends will transform insurance. This excerpt about claims technology caught our eye: Technology trends have the potential to materially change some of the underlying inputs of insurance products and core functions … [allowing] carriers to more effectively manage risk and make […]