Cloud Claims

Cloud ClaimsCloud Claims

Cloud Claims is an incident-based claims management software for self-insured companies, third-party administrators (TPA) and insurance providers.

Cloud Claims is not a generic platform: it’s flexible, purpose-built technology to support claims and risk management for any organization.

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Features Of Our Incident-Based Claims Management System

Cloud Claims is APP Tech’s flagship, cloud-based incident and claims management platform.

  • Streamlined claims management
  • Automated notifications
  • Tag-based organization for documents
  • Document management capabilities for every incident
  • Claim notes and follow-up tasks
  • User-friendly dashboard for at-a-glance views of claims
  • Audit capabilities for all changes made in the system
  • Custom reporting and analytics based on user-determined filters
  • Breadcrumbs for easy navigation
  • Consolidate data from insurance carriers and TPAs
  • Export reports to Excel
  • Global search

Users connect to incident and claims data, unlike with any other software solution. Gain the maximum value of Cloud Claims with the system’s included training and unlimited tech support. When you have questions, the APP Tech team is ready with answers.

One SaaS Platform For Claims And Risk

Cloud Claims is a claims-focused risk management information system (RMIS). Its unique, incident-based approach streamlines the entire claims lifecycle; keeps all your documents, notes, and financials together; and integrates with your HR, accounting, TPA, and insurance carrier systems.

Incident-Based Architecture

Cloud Claims’ incident-based design delivers a comprehensive set of capabilities, even when incidents do not develop into claims. When claims arise, the incident-based approach eliminates redundant data and streamlines claims management.

  • Capture incidents, including photos, from any desktop or mobile device
  • Customize first notice of loss (FNOL) fields
  • Group multiple claims within a single incident
  • Quickly access documentation that is common to multiple claims

Claims Management

As a claims-focused RMIS, Cloud Claims can handle claims across many lines of business, and streamline the entire claim workflow. One incident may result in claims hitting multiple lines, such as a construction accident with WC, property damage, and third-party BI. The incident-based approach of Cloud Claims makes it easy to manage these claims and calculate the total cost of any loss event.

  • Manage all claim lines with one system
  • Track claims against policies, manage deductibles and self-insured retentions
  • See all claims for any individual/organization and identify repeat offenders
  • Customizable email templates and form letters
  • Manage reserves and payments
  • Payment approval rules
  • Track subrogation, salvage, and reinsurance reimbursements
  • Track notes and assign follow-up tasks
  • Consistent and clear processing enhances team collaboration



Automation is at the heart of Cloud Claims: trigger emails, assign tasks, schedule reports, and more, based on your business rules.

  • Alert key stakeholders and enlist response teams to new incidents in real time
  • Schedule reports for distribution
  • Dynamically modify forms based on incident type
  • Trigger email notifications at key points in a claim’s lifecycle
  • Automatically create and schedule follow-up actions

Document Management

Geo-redundant, unlimited storage for all your claim documents, including photos, videos, PDFs, and emails, ensures documentation is always at your fingertips.

  • Attach and organize documents using tags
  • Read emails and PDFs, and play back audio and video in-browser
  • Link documents to specific parties, claims, and activities within an incident
  • Unlimited file storage
  • Email documents directly from Cloud Claims

Dashboards & Analytics

User-friendly reporting and dashboards allow users of all experience levels to generate reports and gain new insights from Cloud Claims.

  • User-customizable dashboard
  • Ready-to-go reports for common use cases: loss runs, OSHA logs, payment register, etc.
  • Drag and drop fields to quickly customize reports
  • Group, total, and turn report data into graphs in seconds using drag and drop
  • Schedule any report for delivery by email
  • Export reports to Excel or CSV


Break down data silos! Cloud Claims connects to internal and external systems to create a single source of truth for your claims and risk data.

  • Synchronize claim financials from TPAs and insurance carriers to consolidate reporting in Cloud Claims
  • Scheduled sync with TPAs, medical bill review providers, EDI partners, etc.
  • Comprehensive, open REST API
  • MMSEA Section 111 (Medicare) reporting with APP Tech or any of its partners
  • Data conversion from current systems


Virtually every drop down in Cloud Claims can be customized. Set your own causes, status codes, claim types, loss categories, recovery types, policy coverage classes, policy types, environmental data fields, and more.

While Cloud Claims handles traditional lines-of-business such as property & casualty, workers’ compensation, general liability, and automobile, Cloud Claims can handle your unique incidents such as customer complaints, security incidents, and audits and inspections.

Scalable And Accessible

Cloud Claims helps distributed organizations like hospitality, retail, and construction scale operations. As incidents are submitted and claims are processed, directors and managers have a single view for all organizational activity.

Cloud Claims is optimized for desktop and tablet use with a mobile phone-optimized First Report tool to prevents any first notice of loss (FNOL) bottlenecks.

Compliance And Security

  • Stay compliant with industry regulations
  • Audit trails provide a detailed view to all incident, claims and collaboration activity
  • APP Tech undergoes annual SOC 2 audits

SOC 2 Type II

Claims Management Software

Benefits Of Risk Management Information Systems (RMIS)

For self-insured companies, managing risk is critical for preventing major losses. With the support of a RMIS, companies can:

  • Improve claims and lower premiums
  • Implement a single source of truth
  • Customize insurance coverage
  • Shorten response times to incidents
  • Identify and mitigate more risk events
  • Encourage greater collaboration across the organization

Trust APP Tech For Incident-Based Claim Management

APP Tech has been in the industry of claims and risk management since 2003. With our decades of experience, we have continuously refined our approach to incident-based claims management systems. In fact, we are the first company to offer an incident-based RMIS with a 100-percent success rate on implementations. With a user interface designed for an intuitive workflow, you can trust our products to perform according to your needs.

Get in touch with us to schedule a tailored demo, and explore our other solution for Section 111 Compliance Reporting, MIR Express.

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At Your Service

Since we are, after all, a service organization, we hope you’ll feel free to get in touch with us with questions, comments, requests for information, or any other ways in which we might be of help. And as we suggested on the Products page, we have every intention of providing support for all of our products for as long as they’re in use.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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