
A Tale of Two Cities

Since A Tale of Two Cities, the 1859 novel by Charles Dickens, is in the public…

How High is High Tech?

In September of last year, McKinsey & Company published a report called, How top tech trends…

A Tale of Two Restaurants

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." If you’re not…

International Pi Day

In case you’re not aware, today is International Pi (π) Day, March 14 or 3.14.…

Who Knew: Part Two

In an earlier post, we wrote about the ways in which companies go about reporting…

It’s 2022. Do You Know Where Your Claims Managers Are?

A popular introduction to local news used to ask, “It’s 10 o’clock. Do you know…

Who Knew?

We had a conversation the other day that made us think about the ways in…

Juggling Municipal Risks

We don’t envy municipal risk managers. Having to contend with claims for property damage, workers…

Santa’s Workers Comp Claim

Santa Claus Contends with Workers Compensation Claim Elf claims physical injury and mental stress due…

The PAID Act Deadline is Here

Last June, we published a post called, Clean Up Your PAID Act. It laid out…